So, I talked about what started this new adventure. If you missed it, you can view it here Now, let me tell you what kind of things I want to do.
1. Take a self-defense class
Because I just really want to know how to properly kick someone's butt if I need to.
2. Learn to cook
Because honestly, I barely know how to boil water. I bought Cooking Basics for Dummies because I can't afford cooking classes yet. ($15 over $70, come on, it was a no brainer)
3. Hike local places
Because Georgia is full of beautiful places and I want to make it my home and I want to explore.
(Like these places, Atlanta's Best Hiking Trails )
4. Hike the Grand Canyon
Because of "How to be Single", just watch it.. you'll get it.
5. Learn to ride a bike
Because I've always wanted to and I never learned as a kid
6. Learn Spanish
Because it's the second most spoken language in the world.
7. Go to a wine tasting
Because what else is the epitome of classy adulthood than going to a classy wine tasting?
8. Finish unfinished art
Because I love to start artistic projects and then never finish them
9. Get another tattoo
Because I'm limiting myself here... I want like 9.
10. Go skydiving
Because what else is the epitome of overcoming fear and living life on the edge?
11.Write and publish an Ebook
Because it's the baby steps to publishing a real life book.
12. Learn calligraphy
13. Go to Comic Con
...... Because, obviously, I'm a nerd.
14.Watch IMDb's top 250 movies
Because culture, man.
15. Read, A LOT
Because I own over 200 books and have barely made a dent in reading them.
16. Visit a lighthouse
Honestly, this one is in memory of my mom.
17. Travel internationally alone
Because I want to explore by myself.
18. Write letters to my future self
I honestly don't know why I want to do this... I just saw it on a suggested list and figured I'd try it.
19. Start taking art classes again
Because I love art and I miss it and I work in an arts and crafts store, I need to put that to good use.
20. Start doing yoga
Because yoga fascinates me.
21. Learn makeup techniques
Because makeup is an art form that I wish to master.
22. Go on a road trip
Because driving, good playlists, crappy food, and friends... what could be better?
23.Do a photo shoot
Because photo shoots are fun and remind yourself how beautiful you are.
24. Take steps towards my nonprofit, Re
Because dreams take practical steps for them to become true.
25. Read the whole Bible
Because I have read so much of it but there is still so much to learn.
So why do I want to do any of this? Why now? Because it's about time. There is so much living to be done. So much that for one reason or another, I have either ignored or put to the side for "later". But before I know it, later has come and gone. I have this one chance to be exactly where I am. With no significant other to think about. With no kids to take care of first. I have this time to do amazing things and it's about time that I take that opportunity. I want to do and learn so much in this time like learning:
-To be happy
-To be adventurous
-To be courageous
-To be holy
-To be loving
-To expand horizons
-To be focused
-To follow through
-To be independent
-To be strong
-To be healthy
-To love the heck out of this life
-To be satisfied
-To reach out
-To look within
-To simplify
-To be vibrant
To live this one life, to love it and make it fun. There is so much living to be done in the days to come.
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